Michael Beníšek

Michael Beníšek, Ph.D.

Consulting hours
  • čtvrtek 10.00 - 12.00, č. 119/Celetná 20

Institute of Ethnology, Central European and Balkan Studies
Místnost č. 116

Michael Beníšek is Assistant Professor at the Romani Studies Section of the Department of Central European Studies. His research focuses on the descriptive and historical grammar of the Romani language, dialectology, Indo-Aryan linguistics and the development of both academic and popular disourses on the origin of Roms. Since 2007, he has been conducting fieldwork research in Romani communities in Slovakia and especially in West Ukraine (in the Transcarpathian and Lviv regions), where he deals with mapping the sociolinguistic situation of local Roms and with the documentation and description of local Romani varieties. Since 2011, he has participated in the creation of a dialectological atlas of Central Romani.


  • Ph.D. in General Linguistics (Charles University, 2017)
  • Mgr. (M.A.) in Indology (Sanskrit) and Romani Studies (Charles University, 2008)

Study visits

  • October 2015 – June 2016: University of Manchester, School of Arts, Languages and Cultures, Visiting Research Fellow (9 months)
  • June – July 2014: University of Stockholm, Department of Linguistics, participation in the International Summer School in Language Documentation and Linguistic Diversity (2 weeks)
  • January 2013: Leiden University, Leiden University Centre of Linguistics, participation in the LOT Winter School (2 weeks)
  • August 2009: Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg, Lehrstuhl für Indologie, participation in the 2nd Prakrit Summer School (2 weeks)



  • Beníšek M.: Kůň, postroj a povoz ve východoužské romštině. Romano Džaniben, 2022, č. • no. 29, s. • p. 53-74. ISSN 1210-8545.
  • Elšík V., Beníšek M.: Romani dialectology. In Matras Y., Tenser A.: The Palgrave Handbook of Romani Language and Linguistics. Cham, Palgrave Macmillan, 2020, s. • p. 389-427. ISBN 978-3-030-28104-5.
  • Beníšek M.: The Historical Origins of Romani. In Matras Y., Tenser A.: The Palgrave Handbook of Romani Language and Linguistics. Cham, Palgrave Macmillan, 2020, s. • p. 13-47. ISBN 978-3-030-28104-5.
  • Beníšek M.: Lexikální (mikro)dialektologie užské romštiny. Romano Džaniben, 2020, č. • no. 27, s. • p. 45-89. ISSN 1210-8545.
  • Beníšek M.: O původu Piurkova seznamu romských slov u Miklošiče. Romano Džaniben, 2020, č. • no. 27, s. • p. 115-125. ISSN 1210-8545.
  • Beníšek M.: Miklosich's vocabulary of Galician Romani and its affinities with today's North Central Romani of Halychyna. In Kozhanov K., Oslon M., Halwachs D.: Das amen godi pala Lev Čerenkov. Romani historija, čhib taj kultura. Graz, Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, 2017, s. • p. 98-110. ISBN 978-3-901600-44-9.
  • Beníšek M.: Čtyři pohádky "slovenských" Romů ze Zakarpatské Ukrajiny. Romano Džaniben, 2014, č. • no. 2014, s. • p. 113-141. ISSN 1210-8545.
  • Beníšek M.: Central Romani lidža-/ ledž-: a Vestige of an Indo-Aryan compound verb and its cross-dialectal variability. Acta Orientalia, 2013, č. • no. 66, s. • p. 471-486. ISSN 0001-6446.
  • Beníšek M.: Serednye Romani: A North Central Romani variety of Transcarpathian Ukraine. In Schrammel-Leber B., Tiefenbacher B.: Romani V. Papers from the Annual Meeting of the Gypsy Lore Society. Graz, University of Graz, 2013, s. • p. 42-60. ISBN 978-3-901600-31-9.
  • Beníšek M.: The quest for a Proto-Romani infinitive. Romani Studies, 2010, č. • no. 20, s. • p. 47-86. ISSN 1528-0748.
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