Albanistka dr. Orkida Backus Borshi z Ústavu etnologie, středoevropských a balkanistických studií získala společně se dvěma kolegyněmi z Albánie – Uni Korca (dr. D. Kacauni a dr. E. Bonja Qafzezi) prestižní READ (Research Expertise in the Academic Diaspora) Fellowship od AADF (Albanian-American Development Foundation)
Více o projektu:
Exploring the Role of Cohesive devices in Written Academic Essays in English and Alba-nian
The project’s aim is to investigate on the use and the efficacy of cohesive devices in academic es-says in both English and Albanian. The methodology will focus on data collection and analysis of students’ academic essays in English and their translated versions in Albanian across various study programs at “Fan S. Noli” University in Korca, Albania. The data will be used to build a learn-ers’ corpus, which will be analyzed both quantitatively and qualitatively. The proposed activities will be focused on collaborative research, co-teaching and curricula development.
Additionally, it is hoped that the expertise of the Diaspora researcher would contribute towards im-proving students’ creativity and quality of writing in both languages.